S&K Technologies, Inc will be in attendance and exhibiting at the 2022 F-15 Technical Coordination Program (TCP) World Wide Review. The event takes place November 14-18 in Sandestine, FL. "Our annual WWR is the only place where all Six Foreign Partners
One of the earliest and most colorful football characters, though largely forgotten, marked the association between and the NFL and the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (CSKT). Tribal member Nick Lassa played guard in the NFL in 1922 and 1923
Started in 1997, S&K Technologies (SKT) was originally a division of S&K Electronics (which is still active and doing well) and later spun into a company in 1999. The focus was to utilize the SBA 8(a) program to provide a
Baseball is not really baseball without a stadium hot dog, very few high school seniors went through a graduation ceremony, my six-year-old had a “Zoom Birthday” party, locally we did not have Powwows nor the county fairs, and the SKT
How did S&K Technologies Inc, and it's subsidiaries get their start? Who are the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) and how does our shareholder dividend impact the tribal community? Troy Felsman, Corporate Projects Manager, spoke with NBC Montana's Laurel
Our Shareholder, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT), understand what it means to overcome challenges. Diseases like smallpox, influenza, and measles killed hundreds of our members and separated families. Changes in climate have altered the fish, wildlife, and plant
St. Ignatius, Montana - April, 2020 - S&K Logistics Services, LLC (SKLS) has been awarded two contracts with the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center F-15 Division at Robins Air Force Base with a combined value of $30 million. The
The Salish and Kootenai Veteran Warrior Society says that our people have an innate need to protect ourselves, our people, and our way of life. Today, the term warrior has many meanings, most of which characterize our veterans that fight for
The Department of Homeland Security, Cyber-Infrastructure (CISA), says that malicious cyber actors could take advantage of public concern surrounding COVID-19 by conducting phishing attacks and disinformation campaigns. Phishing attacks often use a combination of email and bogus websites to trick
S&K employees found several boxes of N95 masks while doing inventory at our Byron, Georgia, warehouse location. Inside were more than 1,000 sealed masks that were part of an earlier over-shipment. S&K immediately contacted the local Fire Chief, Kirk Crumpton, to